
Our Initiatives Manas, Assam - At a Glance
Manas National Park Initiative
Terrorism to tourism.
Location : Assam Dooars, India.
Year of initiation : 2004
Situation : Long time political insurgency and terrorism in the area orphaned the tiger reserve putting it in the list of "world heritage site in danger".
Initiative : A small indistinct village called Kamardisa on the eastern side of the core area of Manas Tiger Reserve, a group of volunteers from the All Bodo Students Union (ABSU), Chapaguri Koklabari Anchalik Committee took up the initiative of restoring their part of the forest. To support their initiative, an ecotourism wing has been established.
Today : These messiahs of Manas now want to free the tiger reserve from the list of "site in danger" and have started their conservation and ecotourism activities.
Partnership : Local people, Field Director's office of Manas Tiger Reserve, the Council and travel trade.
Report on the UNESCO-IUCN Mission to The Manas WH Site, Assam *PDF
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