
Our Initiatives in Darjeeling Hills - At a Glance
DHR (Darjeeling Himalayan Railway) Initiative
Connecting World Heritage Site with people's livelihood - DHR achieved worldwide fame for a number of reasons. It is a gateway to the Himalayas,the world's highest mountains and a land of mystery and legends and connects Darjeeling's Tea, traditions and natural and cultural heritages with the International communities. UNESCO, while inscribing DHR as World Heritage Site described " The Darjeeling Himalayan Railway is the first and still the most outstanding example of a hill passenger railway. Opened in 1881,it applied bold and ingenious engineering solutions to the problem of establishing an effective rail link across a mountainous terrain of great beauty. It is still fully functional and retains most of it's original features intact".
Considering the fact that DHR is an outstanding example of the influence of an innovative transportation system on the social and economic development of a multi-cultural region and also while recognizing the importance of preservation of such a coveted World Heritage Site ACT has been actively involved with DHR Society-London and DHR-India Support Group to engage the local communities and stakeholders in protection of this heritage site by harnessing innovatively sustainable benefits for them through demonstration models, Educational tours, Ecotourism, promotion of local crafts, cuisine and cultural traditions of the neighboring communities. Public awareness campaigns, school level campaigns, exhibitions and workshops are regularly organized to raise consciousness, build up capacity of the local stakeholders, connect DHR with travel trade and create sense of ownership among the local communities.
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