
Our Initiatives in Brahmaputra Region - At a Glance
CHA (Connecting Heritage in Assam) - The Brahmaputra Intiative
ACT has initiated a project in association with IWT(Inland Water Transport Board) to preserve the age old traditions related with the river Brahmaputra which flows through Three countries. The project aims at bringing into highlight the cultural and natural history of the mighty river, spreading awareness about keeping the river clean and pollution-free, declaring it a 'No Plastic Zone'. Relive the folk and myths associated with the river. Undertake Medical assistance programme for the communities through the river. Research and revive the old Tea Routes and involve the Tea Estates to use the same for Brand promotion. Integrate the different handicrafts and folk cultures in the project. Identify communities with the help of IWT service to connect the Community Based Tourism services.
Map of Brahmaputra & its Tributaries
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