
An exhibition of the crafts of East Himalaya and other parts of India
Venue : Gymkhana Club, Darjeeling, India
Date : 18th to 28th June, 2003
Sponsored & Supported By :
Office of the Development Commissioner (Handicrafts), Ministry of Textiles, Govt. of India
Organizing Support : Association for Conservation & Tourism
Temporary Structure : Tirupati Decorators, Siliguri, India
Few words on Kraft Kanchenjunga
Kraft Kanchenjunga is an exhibition of the crafts of East Himalaya and other parts of India. This is being organized mainly for capacity building of communities living in the DHR heritage area and the 'community tourism villages' of the Kanchenjunga area.
The responsibility of ground arrangement for this event has been given to ACT (Association for Conservation & Tourism). The members of this organisation have been working in the field of Community Tourism for more than a decade and have established 12 Community Tourism Villages in the Kanchehjunga Area (Darjeeling Hills, Sikkim, Dooars and all interconnected parts of Nepal & Bhutan).
The exhibition will help to develop interest in handicrafts among the DHR communities and the members of the Community Tourism Villages. They would get an opportunity to be introduced to the different forms of crafts of this region and understand its value. Accordingly, in the second phase training will be organized on the craft being opted for and finally establish a Craft Village in this area. The Kraft Kanchenjunga would continue to be an annual tourism event for this area.
Glimpses of Kraft Kanchenjunga |
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