
Our Initiatives in Bhutan - At a Glance
Cross-border Conservation Initiative in Bhutan
India has been initiated by ACT to involve both the countries,local NGOs,Forest Departments, Local School Children in conservation and protection of Royal Manas in Bhutan,Manas Tiger Reserve in India and other protected areas of North of West Bengal that run along the borders between the two countries. The Vice-President of ACT Sri. Supratim (Raj) Basu who is also the Secretary General (Siliguri Chapter) of IBFA (India-Bhutan Friendship Association) has opened dialogue with His Excellency The Crown Prince of Bhutan, Nature Conservation Division, Bhutan, Royal Manas National Park Authority, Bhutan , Govt.of Assam and West Bengal regarding Cross-border conservation in Bhutan and Assam- Bengal Dooars, establishing peace and people to people relationship between the two countries.Ecotourism and School-level programmes have been identified as two major instruments to achieve the goal and also to attract International support to such initiative.
Minutes of the Meetings on Different Initiatives
- Minutes of the meeting held on 2nd June 2005 at 17:00 Hrs
(Venue : Dragon Guest House, Gelephu, Bhutan) - Minutes of the meeting held on 30th September 2005 at 12.20 Hrs
(Venue : Nganglam Bazar, Bhutan)
Glimpses of Bhutan InitiativePages: 1 Pages: 1
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