
It has been more than a decade that HELP TOURISM has been in operation. It has been a period in which HELP TOURISM has pioneered sustainable development of communities through eco-tourism, preservation of culture and of course nature.
This has led us at HELP TOURISM to believe that consistent development of communities and preservation of ethnic cultures can be achieved through a meaningful exercise. Eco-tourism is one, but there are other avenues as well. India is a large country where every destination has its own unique charm. The effort is to preserve this charm to share with others.
Putting our minds together and exchanging ideas with other like-minded people have led us to form an association that can perhaps lead this silent revolution to take shape.
This has taken shape in the form of Association for Conservation and Tourism - in short ACT - which is an NGO. To begin with, numerous workshops, meetings, medical camps in remote areas have been held in villages primarily in the eastern region. Essential items for use in communities have been involved in various proceeding for a sustainable development. Nature study and conservation awareness programs have been co-ordinated. Local folk cultures and handicrafts have been highlighted educating visitors. Introduction of eco-tourism has been a major break through in achieving these goals. These activities have been patronized, supported and appreciated by numerous organizations, individual tourists. Proceeds from regular operations have been ploughed back into development of communities, especially in promoting economic sustenance of different communities. All its activities are non-profit in nature and have led us to believe firmly now that the road to success lies in joining hands to for a better tomorrow. The effort is to create one large family of people who believe in the cause of preservation of nature and culture in their kaleidoscopic form.
This is an invitation for you to join this revolution by ACTing now or perhaps never. Mail us to know more.
The major aim and objectives of ACT are as follows:-
1) Help Community Development through tourism.
2) Help to conserve local nature, culture and preserve ethnic art forms.
3) Help to conserve of Historical and heritage values.
4) Help to promote eco-tourism through awareness programs, discourses, training, fairs, festivals, exhibitions, workshops etc.
5) Co-ordinate with organizations and other NGOs to work towards conservation and tourism.
6) Help organize research, treks and expeditions in the Himalayas and elsewhere in the country.
7) To collect, classify, compile and publish information relating to various aspects of tourism and conservation and arranging training and workshop for vocational, educational sustainable development programmes.
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